Dyslipidaemia – Beyond Statin Intolerance

Online Zoom

With Guest Speaker Dr Yee Ping Teo Lipids in a nutshell Current lipid lowering drugs Statin Intolerance – what to do Newer agents including Bempedoic Acid and PCSK9 inhibitors   Cost: This meeting is FREE to attend thanks to the support of representatives from the pharmaceutical industry in line with the ABPI. Certificates of attendance […]

New Lipid Guidelines for your Diabetic Patient


An evening webinar focusing on New Lipid Guidelines for your Diabetic Patient, delivered by Dr Yee Ping Teoh, Consultant Chemical Pathologist and Clinical Lead for Biochemistry at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital. The session starts at 7pm-8.30pm and will be presented live over Zoom Book your FREE place now    
