
HCP Ed-UK is the Medical events brand of Co & Associates. Established in 2017 by Ruth Lloyd-Williams, following an 18 year career in the Pharmaceutical industry.
Having worked closely with both Primary and Secondary Care Health Care Professionals setting up conferences, medical societies and specific interest groups, Ruth has a strong and clear understanding of what Health Care Professionals want and need from an educational meeting or webinar and how best to deliver it.

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Appropriate, quality education

Time is precious and with the additional burdens of the current climate, Ruth and her team know just how important it is that HCPs can access appropriate, quality education, delivered by specialists at times that don’t tip the scales of work life balance.

Therefore, HCP Ed-UK offers a comprehensive range of topics at a range of times throughout the working day, evenings and weekends all contributing to your professional development.

Your Professional Development

Lunch & Learn Sessions

Giving you a one hour bite size therapy area update.

Evening Webinars

Up to 90 minutes of education and updates.

Saturday Morning Masterclass

One to three-hour long therapy area masterclasses.

Regional Support Groups

Offering networking opportunities and access to support resources.

Responding to your needs

Everything delivered by HCP Ed-UK is led by you as an HCP in response to the insight and feedback given by you and your colleagues. We start by understanding your needs and deliver an effective, enjoyable educational outcome supporting you and your patients